
Ending IGN's monopoly, one play at a time

Forums · Vbalink Zelda Four Swords Players+Shining Soul/2


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Nov 8 '08

1)Tell what game u play, Four sword or shining soul OR both :D
2)E-Mail ( <---- not mine i just made it up to explain what u  do
3)What time when u r on the weekends
4)What time when u r on the weekdays (<--- meaning when u r back home from school)
5)where u r from (OPTIONAL)

Mine is:

1)Both (Four swords and Shining soul)
3) 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM,  (Note: i eat at 11:00 AM for Lunch, and 3-4 PM for Supper.)
4) 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM,  (Note: i have to eat my supper and finish my homework so i won't be on 5:00 alot)
5) I am in Canada so look at the canada's time? xD
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